
Sleepless hours
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It has been a long Friday for Yongsun. Early morning trying to finish her thesis that she’s been writing for weeks on nanobiotic, classes from 8am till 4pm and then the evening shift at the convenience store.


It’s 9pm now and Yongsun can finally catch a breath. She realizes she hasn’t slept much during these recent 72 hours and upon the realization, all the muscles in her body suddenly feels like melting.


There’s just nothing worse than being a working student in their final weeks.


Tonight, she’s gonna celebrate, with a bag of chips, and some cheap beers perhaps because, well, she is in the mood for something naughty and because she can finally relax now.


Though she can’t get too drunk since there’s still work to be done tomorrow.


Yongsun stuffs the two cans of beer into her backpack and prays no one will suspect anything when she gets back to her dome. She is Kim Yongsun after all, who woulda thought the model student would ever do something like this? 


She says goodbye to the girl that came for the next shift and walks out the door. It’s a good thing the bus stop is just across the street, Yongsun doesn’t think she can afford walking too far right now, not after standing for five hours straight.


The bus comes eventually.


Yongsun was hoping for an empty bus, but God is not on her side today, now she just hopes there’s a seat left for her.


As the bus is about to close its door, a voice from outside can be heard, “Please wait!”


Yongsun, being the good person that she is, asks the bus driver to wait for a second for the person that’s running towards the bus. 


A girl, in disheveled clothes, steps inside not long after, heavy breathing and all, trying to stabilize herself, “Thank you so much for waiting, sir.”


“Thanks this girl,” the bus driver nods his head towards Yongsun, “she heard you and stopped me from going.” Leaving it at that, he gets back to his job, starts driving away without hesitation.


The girl looks at Yongsun, hand grabbing a handlebar for steadiness and approaches her slowly. “H-Hi,” the girl scratches her head with her other hand, “thanks for telling him to wait for me. You saved me from so much trouble there.”


“No problem.” Yongsun offers a small smile. Helping those in need is its own reward, she always thinks, no matter how small the deed is. “I’m glad I was ab

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tpdlpcrid #1
Chapter 1: No update on paper bridge between us is burning?
Chapter 1: hahagajajajdjdhkksk im sorry but hahahahah damn! jackpot for yongsun 😂
Taitai84 1227 streak #3
Chapter 1: lol I was thinking how can such a smooth girl not get the hint
Chapter 1: how gross!!! what tf, author-nim?!? where’s the nastiness? where’s filthiness hmm??? i was not expecting to giggle like an idiot at their interaction😡😡 u made a fool of me yk… this fluff makes me weak i’m loosing my cool bc of that 🙄🙄

how dare you to write it so effortlessly huh??? thank you??? now i need more ???? 💓💝💞💕💘💖??